A poem about the $300k burp

The events depicted in this poem are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental.
Still, it stands as a lesson to all aspiring entrepreneurs.
So we hired this Larry guy
He tried to raise money for an Israeli company in Dubai
Larry loved photocopying and thought it was a ok
One day we received a bill for $10K
My co-founder Ralph felt a pain in his kidney
The next day he flew to meet Larry on his beach club in Sydney
Ralph told Larry he looks like a piece of poop
Then he opened his mouth and started to burp
"Buaaaaaaaaa" and "Buaaaaaahaaaaa"
It hurt Larry so much he cried for his mama
But Larry was a lawyer and an idea to get even he found
Ralph got a big law suit when he was just closing a founding round
Of course Ralph was ready to fight back
But his lawyer said he's out of luck
On a rainy day in Tucson
Ralph told Larry that he won
three hundred thousands dollars Larry got
And all he had to do is piss off a man a lot